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Lost Pets

Advice on missing pets

What to do if you lose your pet

We advise all dogs and cats are both microchipped and wear a collar, with at least a contact phone number.

If a cat goes missing, first check your house, including the loft, cellar and all cupboards. Check behind curtains and furniture and under duvets and beds. Check inside washing machines, chimneys and dustbins. Check all outside buildings and get your neighbours to do the same.

For both missing dogs and cats make a list of:

  • Name, age and colour
  • Male or female, neutered or entire
  • Length of coat, any distinguishing features e.g. white paws, white bib or striped tail
  • If they were wearing a collar, if so the colour and if they were microchipped

Give these details to:

  • All the local vets, not just your own vet
  • Police stations
  • Local animal rescue organisations
  • Local dog warden
  • Battersea Dogs & Cats Home
  • Lost and found registers and websites
  • Local newspaper and radio
  • If your pet is microchipped contact Avid or Petlog

Walk around your local area calling your pet by name and shaking a box of his favourite biscuits or squeezing her favourite squeaky toy. Stop regularly to listen for your pet answering your call. Stay in one area long enough for your pet to reach you if they're in the vicinity. Make up leaflets and posters, including contact phone number and a photo. Distribute to every house in your immediate neighbourhood. Display at post offices, shops, pet shops, vets, library etc. Tie or tape leaflets to lamp posts, telegraph poles and phone boxes.

Other suggestions

Check lost and found section of local papers for 'found' adverts.Contact the local council Environmental Health Department, they will be able to tell you if a pet matching your description has been found killed on the road. When your pet comes home, please remember to inform any authorities who have been asked to look for them and retrieve any posters you distributed.

What to do if you find a pet

If it is a cat and you can approach him, make up a paper collar with a note saying "if this is your cat please phone..." This allows you to make sure the cat is definitely a stray.

If the pet is hungry please feed it and make sure water is available (not milk).

If you cannot take it in make sure there is shelter outside which is dry, e.g. a cardboard box covered with a bin liner with an old blanket inside. While you contact the local animal rescue centres to arrange to take the pet into care.

Take them to your local vet to check for a microchip.

Make a list of colour, male or female, length of coat and any distinguishing features e.g. white paws, white bib or striped tail.


  • All the local vets, not just your own vet
  • Police stations
  • Local animal rescue organisations
  • Local dog warden
  • Battersea Dogs & Cats Home
  • Lost and found registers and websites
  • Local newspaper and radio
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